v7.5.0 | Released - 18th May 2021

v7.5.0 - Released - 18th May 2021

3 min read
Limecube Release

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering a variety of improvements in Limecube, page load speed improvements and some bug fixes.

Existing Lists

Existing lists have been removed from all elements in favour of saved sections to reduce confusion for Limecube users as to which method to use.

General Improvements

  1. The way Parallax functionally works on sites have been changed. While visually Parallax looks almost exactly the same, the code running it has been improved for better stability, as well as faster page load speeds and improved Google Page Speed Insight Scores.
  2. YouTube and Vimeo have their own elements under Integrations, allowing a user to place a normal or responsive video (where selected) into a page. There is also an option to only show a thumbnail by default, and on click the video auto plays. This is very advantageous to Google Page Speed Insight scores, as Google gives lower scores to YouTube and Vimeo videos in pages (go figure!), where it can impact scores by a drop in up to 20!

Tracking Code Management

Tracking code management has been improved. Previously there was one field for head tag scripts, and another for after open body tag. With the update:

  • The ability to add end body tag scripts have been added
  • Scripts can be added singularly and added to a section with their own labels. This allows with clearer management of multiple scripts
  • It also allows for drag-n-drop of scripts to reorder them, as script order can have an impact on page load speeds, so easy ordering can be very helpful.

Image Element Improvements

  1. Any changes made in the side image element settings panel now live update in the page when changed, to show directly the impact of changes.
  2. When the image element is dragged onto the page, it automatically opens the filemanager for faster image insertion.
  3. The image editor with Limecube can be accessed faster now with the image editor icon added to the image element's functions.

More detail on the image element can be found here.

Blog Improvements

  1. When switching blog layouts, only layouts specific to blog posts show now.
  2. Improvement to pagination where blog layouts 'by category' placed onto any page, keep you in the same category, and do not direct you back to the main blog page.
  3. Blog post scheduling. Now if you set a future date on an active blog post, the blog post will remain hidden until the future date, and show automatically on that date.
  4. Improved messaging to make it clear that a normal page cannot be dragged into a blog folder.
V10.6.0 - Released.

Discover Limecube's latest release Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improve.....
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