v8.2.1 | Released - 29th April 2022

v8.2.1 - Released - 29th April 2022

3 min read
Limecube Release

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering a variety of smaller improvements in Limecube and which also included security updates, bug fixes and major infrastructure improvements to reduce the chance of downtime, as well as for improved page load speed.


  • On logging into Limecube, live sites now still show a temporary domain. This is to reduce any login issues for sites where a user has issues with their domain correctly pointing to Limecube and where they'd previously lost access to login. Clicking 'Visit Page' will still show the live website domain.
  • There is now a requirement to have an active subscription to make a website live. This change is to reduce any fraudulent misuse of Limecube.
  • Box settings now have the colour palette integrated in them making it easier to update to consistent colour themes or add custom colours.
  • The deactivate option has been removed from individual boxes as part of removing redundant features.
  • The free images tab now has an orientation option to choose the right orientation of an image when searching. This will make it easier to find the right format of an image for the right place in your website.
  • Improvements made to how headers work with the colour palette and transparency.
  • Saved sections have been moved to the top of the 'Pre-filled sections' tab, and now have an actual preview of what is inside the saved section.
  • YouTube and Vimeo elements now have 'Show preview' and 'Responsive' selected by default.
  • When there are no menu items, the burger menu icon no longer displays on mobile.
  • Improved validation on the domain field under the going live tab, to make it clearer to users when they enter an incorrect domain name.
  • Form upload fields now have safe file types by default and do not require input by a user. This is both for improved usability as well as security.
  • Transparency dropdowns have had a label added for full and not visible, to make it clearer to a user regarding their purpose.
  • Separators now have a smaller minimum width of 5%.

Speed Improvements

Speed Improvements have started to be rolled out to different sites this month and expected to be completed by the end of May. This was a major change to the underlying infrastructure of Limecube so as site owners need to do less themselves to see optimal speeds.

These speed improvements have been quite significant, with some sites seeing 2.5 times improvements in their speed. We have seen examples of sites that were loading around 3 seconds for a first time visit, now taking 0.92 seconds for first time load as an average.

These have also seen quite impressive improvements in Google Page Speed Insight scores, especially around mobile.

V10.6.0 - Released.

Discover Limecube's latest release Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improve.....
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