v8.1.1 | Released - 15 December 2021

v8.1.1 - Released - 15 December 2021

2 min read
Limecube Release

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering a variety of improvements in Limecube, new features, security updates, and some bug fixes.


  • Invoice numbers have been improved to make them more unique. Previously if the same company setup 2 different websites on the same day, their invoice numbers would have been the same.
  • Buttons now have 2 new options for setting individual spacing above and below the button.
  • Almost all elements open automatically when being added to a page for the first time. This is to make it easier for a user to be aware there are multiple options available for managing an elements.


  • Separators can now control individual spacing above and below the separator on an individual level rather than site wide.
  • You can also now control:
    • width of separator
    • alignment of separator
    • thickness of separator

SEO & SEO Tool Improvements

The SEO Dashboard saw some new additions:

  • A new images section highlighting:
    • how many images are over 300kbs on a page, with the ability to download these to identify and improve these.
    • identifying images that do not have alt text in them, with the ability to download these to identify and fix these.
  • A new content section which includes the identification of:
    • Pages missing a H1 (heading 1) tags
    • Pages including multiple H1 tags
    • Pages missing a H2 (heading 2) tag.
  • Improvements to the link section, with identification of internal links that link to a 301 redirected page.

Some tab labels have been improved within the SEO Manager to be clearer for their purpose.

Learn more here.

New Gradient & Shape Dividers

This is an exciting new addition to sections, to allow you to create gradient backgrounds, and insert shapes to the top and bottom of sections to give much more interesting design aspects to a page. There are also separate mobile settings for when these need tweaking for mobile.

Learn more here:

Navigation Menu

The new navigation menu had multiple improvements to improve user experience.

V10.6.0 - Released.

Discover Limecube's latest release Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improve.....
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