Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering a variety of improvements in Limecube, new features, security updates, website speed improvements and some bug fixes.
Improvements were made to improve Google page Speed Insight scores:
These also resulted in improved page load speeds.
We have added a new layout for the blog summary to give a beautiful new style to a blog summary page.
We've also included the ability to set rounded corners on images, and set a background colour per post.
We have completely rebuilt the navigation menu admin side to make it easier to use, as well as adding new and different options for managing pages and menu items. These changes will provide more flexibility, as well as be better for SEO.
Posted on: 04 March, 2025
Discover Limecube's latest release
Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improve.....
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Posted on: 02 March, 2025
Every entrepreneur has a spark—a brilliant idea that could change the world, solve a common problem, or simply fill a gap in the market. Yet, if you pause to reflect, you might realise that many great ideas never see the light of day. How many brilliant ideas have you had but never followed through on? Today, we’re diving into why this happens and, more importantly, how you can bridge that gap between vision and execution.
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