v7.4.1 | Released - 13th April 2021

v7.4.1 - Released - 13th April 2021

4 min read

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This was an update covering smaller improvements in Limecube as well as 1 larger new primary features and some bug fixes.

General Improvements

  1. Improved the logic in the search element, improving search results.
  2. Update the text logo, so this can be clicked on in-page to edit.
  3. Added a function to be able to style the navigation menu by hovering over the menu.
  4. Boxes - existing list search improved to also search off the contents of each box, and not only the title.
  5. Vimeo recently added a large mute button to videos in banners, we have removed this as it was quite obtrusive.
  6. Animation settings changed to be simplified and easier to use. Now when setting animation site wide, it will allow you to override this animation on a section by section basis if you wish to do so.
  7. A page background image when set now shows the image in the page settings (not just the path) to make it clearer. 
  8. The Grid Gallery when dragged onto a page now has Isotope and Masonry set by default, for a nicer default layout.
  9. Blog feed image tags changed to webp for improved Google Page Speed scores.
  10. Help icons added to the file manager and new image element to make it easier to find help for these.
  11. Boxes now have a duplicate function in their icon set. When you duplicate a box, it creates an exact copy without any connection to the existing box.
  12. We've made improvements to the admin page load speeds to make working faster.
  13. There's new settings under each page, to allow you to switch the header and footer of on each page as you need. This can be helpful for creating coming soon pages, custom marketing landing pages etc...

Image Element Improvements

  1. The image element now has a separate set of setting for mobile. This allows you to change the height and cropping/positioning of the mobile image separately to the desktop/tablet version.
  2. We have also introduced 2 new image settings for better image control:
    1. Shrinking with a dynamic height
    2. Cropping with a fixed height

More detail on the image element can be found here.

Payment emails

We have made improvements to payment failure emails, and their frequency. We have added more reminders to match the payment attempts, so our subscribers are more aware to reduce risk of auto site suspension on repeated failures and overdue subscriptions.


  1. The ECWID shop integration element has been moved into its own element now to be easier to find. We have also changed the integration to allow only a shop ID rather than embed code.
  2. There is a new integration called 'Custom Code'. This allows for multiple types of embed codes to be inserted to a page.

Blog Improvements

  1. Blog post sections are one section that cannot be deleted from within Limecube layouts (blog post layouts only) due to their required structure. We have now created a function for a blog layout to be swapped with a different blog layout, allowing for more flexibility in different blog post layouts in your site.
  2. Multiple blog layouts are now available when creating a page.
  3. When saving a page where a posts' summary image has not been added yet, you are now prompted to add one, and opening the panel for quick access.
  4. Help icons have been added to each relevant section relating to the blog in blog settings for quick help access.
  5. We have added a tooltip (message on hover) to repeatable sections to make it clearer sections of a blog post that will appear site wide.
V10.6.0 - Released.

Discover Limecube's latest release Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improve.....
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