Limecube v7.2.0 | Date of Release - June 2, 2020

v7.2.0 | Released - June 2, 2020

2 min read

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. There were also small bug fixes throughout.


  • There are now warnings on the page when removing elements from the page. While elements were not permanently deleted when removed from a page, this warning helps in case of unintentionally removing the element.
  • Banner/Slider now contains a setting to allow for 100% on mobile. Previously this could only be done on desktop/tablet.
  • Multiple style elements now have better flexibility for controlling top/bottom spacing seperate to left/right spacing.
  • When selecting a blog post layout when creating a page, and there is no blog summary page already created, it now has a message indicating “You need to first choose a ‘Blog’ layout before you can create a 'blog post' for improved usability.
  • When a page times out due to inactivity (after 24 hours) it now shows a warning on save to notify of this, as well as instructions on what to do to be able to save that work.
  • The navigation menu in the page admin side can now be clicked to visit other pages to edit, rather than only from the pages panel on the left.
  • The header logo image is now clickable to edit, rather than having to only click the 'edit' logo button. This was for improved usability as some users were confused at this point.
  • On mobile, blog summary images now have better spacing an improved layout to look more uniform and better designed without needing a user to make as many adjustments.

Blog Comments

Blog comments are a new feature added to all blogs. Blog comments allow users to login via their social media login details, and can be moderated by admin before appearing on a site.

Find out how to setup blog comments here.

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