Limecube v7.0.4 | Date of Release - February 25, 2020

v7.0.4 | Released - February 25, 2020

4 min read

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. There were also small bug fixes throughout.

Page Editor - In-page editing

Now all elements/plugins text can be edited directly from within the page without needing to open their popups. Simply click on the text and start editing right from the page.

Sections changes

Saved Sections

You can now save sections for reuse. Saved sections are sections that can be saved to your sections panel and be reused across the site. Learn more here

Duplicating Sections

You can now duplicate sections for reuse. Being able to duplicate sections saves time when you want to create another section on your page that is the same or very similar to another section. Learn more here

Changing Content Sections

Content sections can now be edited and swapped to a different section making it easier to change your layout.


The animation library on Limecube was changed. This was due to improving page speed as the new animation library is lighter on code.

Animation can now be set at a site wide level, or individually at a section level if you wish for greater control over how and when animations appear. There are also new animation options to choose from.

Duplicate page

It is now possible to duplicate a page in its entirety. A duplicate pages creates an exact inactive copy to work on, which is very useful in saving time when creating page layouts that are very similar.


  • Drag and Drop of elements in-page has been improved to show a smaller icon when dragging instead of the whole plugin. This improvement was to cater for smaller screens and in general improve usability.
  • A new setting in the box element to control the height of the box images on mobile
  • A new setting in the banner/slider element to control the height of banners on mobile
  • Redesign of the elements panel, to make it smaller and more compact for better usability.
  • Improvements to Google Page Speed scores primarily with a change to how CSS is loaded. Limecube now detects critical CSS on the page, and only loads that as the first priority. Google recommends this for improving page speed scores.

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