Limecube v7.0.3 | Date of Release - January 28, 2020

v7.0.3 | Released - January 28, 2020

5 min read

Below are a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. There were also small bug fixes throughout.


  1. itemprop="image" automatically added to any images inserted to the site to automate more markup into the site for better SEO

Duplicate Content and Link Checker improvements:

  1. Results will appear within page if user stays on the page. No longer a need to refresh.
  2. A new loading bar to better show progress of completion.
  3. Emails notification sent to the account email on completion

Filemanager Improvements

  1. Improved when moving images from one folder to another, the images automatically updating throughout the site to avoid breakage on pages.
  2. Addition of search to search on filenames within the folder the user is searching.
  3. A change 'view' function, which is to change the view of the contents of the file manager with these options:
    1. Large thumb
    2. Small thumb
    3. List view - list shows details of the file which are:
      1. filesize in kbs
      2. date added,
      3. date modified,
      4. user uploaded/modified - this is the username of the user that uploaded the file, and changes to the user who modified the file if that occurs.
  4. Improved UX of the filemanager.
  5. Drag n drop functionality added to the filemanager and working in these scenarios:
    1. dragging into the filemanager from outside of the filemanager in the relevant place that is open in the filemanager
    2. dragging a file already in the filemanager into a visible folder.
  6. On right-click of an image having options for Cut, Paste, Download, Rename, Preview, Edit and Remove.
  7. Improved spacing on the separator plugin to conform to the 25px grid system used throughout Limecube Themes.
  8.  Addition of 'default blog image' setting. This allows the site user to upload a default blog post thumb nail that will appear in the blog feed where the post does not contain its own image.
  9. A new custom font size option added to the content editing toolbar to choose from different font sizes. These font sizes work from a percentage of extra small to extra large compared to the text size chosen in the style editor, allowing for more uniformity across the site. It also provides cleaner code for site speed and SEO.


  1. A new setting added to the settings page for forcing the site to disable allowance of right clicking on a site to download images. This feature was at the request of many photography clients who want to better protect their work.

New Slider/Banner Plugin

In this release we have merged the functionality of the banner and slider (carousel) plugin. As these plugins are essentially the same in usage with the difference being single or multiple images, this merger makes working with banners and turning them into sliders much easier.

All existing banner and sliders will appear and function within the page as they previously did. To make use of this new plugin a new banner/slider needs to be created.

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