Limecube V4.1.7 | Date of Release - June 18, 2018

V4.1.7 | Released - June 18, 2018

2 min read

Below are a list of release notes covering what has been released and improved this week. This was a smaller update, focused more around structural improvements for better efficiency and unity within the Limecube framework, as well as smaller improvements to plugins and features.


Included a robots.txt field under Settings.


  1. Added a 100% height feature to the Slider/Carousel to allow 100% height on any browser the page is being viewed in.
  2. Improved responsiveness for mobile devices for the before and after gallery with how images adjust to different devices.
  3. Added a function to the navigation menu for turning drag 'n drop on/off. This is a UX improvement as some users found upon occasion they would accidentally move a menu item when performing other tasks.
  4. Minor UX changes to the page editor for improved visibility.


  1. Added a settings icon to the top of the page to allow easy access to blog post settings.
  2. Additions to the blog feed to allow more flexibility in layout:
    1. 'Display' 'Horizontally/Vertically. This displays posts either downwards or across the page.
    2. Tiled to allow for the blog text to sit within the posts image.

V10.6.0 - Released.

Discover Limecube's latest release Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improve.....
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Every entrepreneur has a spark—a brilliant idea that could change the world, solve a common problem, or simply fill a gap in the market. Yet, if you pause to reflect, you might realise that many great ideas never see the light of day. How many brilliant ideas have you had but never followed through on? Today, we’re diving into why this happens and, more importantly, how you can bridge that gap between vision and execution.
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