v10.3.0 | Released - 12th December 2023

V10.3.0 - Released

2 min read
Limecube Release

Discover Limecube's latest release

Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This version was a small release to end the year. This update also covered a variety of improvements, new features, security updates, and some bug fixes in Limecube.

  • The image element had a separate rounded corners feature added for mobile devices.
  • The image element has new spacing options, for more advanced use cases around image adjustment
  • Form emails now switch to the senders email address when admin clicks 'reply to', for improved usability.
  • The Google Preview under page settings has been improved to more accurately represent how this page could look in Google.
  • Under user profile, a new setting to allow users to disconnect their account from Google or Facebook, and change it to be email login instead.
  • Boxes have a new feature to allow users to change the radius on corners, allowing for a nicer more flexible design.
  • We've improved mail delivery by preventing overloads due to spammers hitting forms, and better blocking of spammers prior to even filling out forms. This was an important one before the holidays to protect our users, as spammers love to attack sites while they know there will be less tech support available.
  • New functions added to SMTP settings, providing more flexibility for different SMTP providers.
  • Improvements to image loading speed, for first-time views of images, giving almost instant image loads.
  • Users can now upgrade their monthly plan to annual plan without logging a support request.
  • Subscribers to annual plans now get:
    • Standard plans: 50 free credits for the AI writer
    • Business plans: 100 free credits for the AI writer

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