v10.2.0 | Released - 22nd November 2023

V10.2.0 - Released

3 min read
Limecube Release

Discover Limecube's latest release

Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This version was a smaller release and covered a variety of improvements, new features, speed and security updates, and some bug fixes in Limecube.

Shop Improvements

New features have been added to the shop:

  • Multiproduct images, allowing up to 12 images. These display as 1 main image, and 12  thumbnails, which can be clicked on to update the main image.
  • Categories - You can now categories your products if you wish.
  • Stripe signup. The process of initiating payment through Stripe when setting up a shop has been improved to make it more user-friendly. Now it just requires the click of a button to authorise Stripe, and jump straight into the Stripe side setup process.

Shop URLs have also been added into link drop downs throughout Limecube admin, which had been missed on the original shop release.

Heading Element

We have introduced a new heading element to allow greater flexibility in heading sizes throughout Limecube. Headings can still be managed within content as they previously were, or using this new heading element. This new element is designed more for use at the start of sections, when you want to treat these a bit differently to standard heading sizes and heading types.


  • A new feature for mobile CTA icons to be selected for both phone and links is available. There are hundreds of different styles to choose from.
  • In the link tool in multiple places throughout Limecube, we have removed 'placeholder' options and are now only showing pages directly linked to them, to save confusion. 
  • Form emails have been improved to insert heading text to the email. This allows forms to be used in more flexible ways.
  • Addition of a specific shop home page during an AI signup
  • Agency accounts have been improved to allow new sites 
  • Blog summary images have more flexibility around shape now, with a rounded corners feature, that allows adjustment to each corner individually. This feature aligns with the shape options available in the image element.
  • Domain details under the going live tab have been improved to get a better idea of the status of the domain being live and SSL being active.
  • New section widths have been added for creating or editing additional sections on the page. This helps increase design and layout flexibility. The new widths are a step between standard and wide widths.

Speed Improvements

  • We have removed 'lazy load' from images on 1st load after signup. These improvements have been implemented to make images load faster, and instantly on initial signup, while still keeping pages loading quickly.
  • Signup using the AI website builder, and selecting to sell online, is now the same speed as without a shop.
  • Changing layouts directly after signup is also significantly quicker now, with load speeds reduced by 90%.

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