v10.1.0 | Released - 5th October 2023

V10.1.0 - Released

3 min read
Limecube Release

Discover Limecube's latest release

Below is a list of release notes covering what is new and improved in this release. This version was a smaller release. This update also covered a variety of improvements, new features, security updates, and some bug fixes in Limecube.


  1. On signup an addition to the AI signup process to confirm if a shop is wanted. The AI then creates a shop with 3 matching products to get started with.
  2. Improvement to notification on the meta title and meta description fields to make it easy to be aware of Google's display limits and best practice.
  3. Improvement to publishing the shop when ready, with just 1 click.
  4. The view shop now opens the admin summary page of the shop.
  5. A free standard shipping option added for when orders are over a certain amount, which can be controlled by the site admin
  6. Integration with the SEO manager for:
    1. the page indexation
    2. link checker
    3. keyword density tool
  7. Sizes have been added to the product screen to allow the creation of multiple different size types, for products such as clothes.
  8. Shop feed - this is a new element appearing under the elements panel, that can be added onto any page to further promote products from the shop. This is particularly useful for adding to the home page for promoting the shop.
  9. For cities that don't have States, this field is now hidden from the checkout.
  10. The shop icon in the bottom right corner of a site no longer shows if no products have been added to the cart.

Password Protected Pages

Password protected pages can now be setup under each page settings. Where a password is added to pages that have sub-pages, all pages will be password protected, making it easy to manage pages with restricted or content.

password protected

Logo Editing

On adding or changing a logo, the Limecube image editor will automatically come up, set to cropping features to make it easier to remove any unnecessary white space.

This feature was created due to a high number of logo providers providing logs with significant white space around the logo in the image file, causing headers to be much larger than they should be.

Support Code

A unique support code has been added to the footer of each site admin, to make it easier for someone to raise a support request from an email that is not from the account owner. Learn more here.

Domain Improvements

  • We have expanded domains being able to be added that include special characters, such as Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese etc.
  • There is now better validation on adding a new domain where the domain does not look valid.
  • Improvements to the domain management screen for adding CNAME records. This feature is available to users who have purchased domains within Limecube.

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