However much confidence you have in your business, you won't get anywhere without effective marketing. Setting aside a marketing budget is crucial for getting your business noticed and reaching the right people at the right time. The big question is how you should spend it.
Before you get into comparing specific marketing channels, the first decision to make is whether you should invest your precious advertising dollars in traditional marketing (such as print, phone, TV and radio) or digital marketing (such as websites, search engines and social media), or even a combination of the two.
Read this guide for an overview of the pros and cons of both approaches and how to decide what's best for your business.
Traditional marketing is the broad definition of any type of marketing that happens offline. This may be through:
Online marketing can be more cost-effective for small businesses, but traditional marketing still has its place. The main benefits of offline advertising are:
If you're considering traditional marketing, it's important to be aware of the drawbacks. These can include:
Digital marketing is any form of marketing that takes place exclusively online. This includes:
With the huge growth of social media and internet use generally, digital marketing is no longer an alternative to traditional marketing, but in many cases its successor. With its lower barriers, any business can leverage the benefits of digital marketing, which include:
The positives of digital marketing outweigh the negatives, especially compared to traditional marketing, but it's always important to be aware of the risks when making any investment. These may include:
Offline and online marketing may have very different mechanics, but the basic principles guiding both approaches are similar. Both can work together harmoniously to help you cover more bases – for example, a print or TV ad driving customers to your website and different messages targeted to different age groups through different mediums.
The success of either strategy depends on strong customer data. You need to understand how your target audience is segmented so you know the best places and best ways to market to them, both online and offline, and whether a combined strategy is really worth it – keeping in mind that traditional marketing can get expensive.
Every business has specific marketing needs, but in most cases, digital marketing campaigns are more successful and cost-effective for small and local businesses. These campaigns are fast to set up and can be monitored and adjusted in real time, avoiding the waiting time and lowering the risks compared to traditional advertising.
The main exceptions can be if you're marketing to older audiences, who may be less likely to see online ads, or people in your local area, using traditional marketing to supplement a cost-effective digital campaign.
Whichever approach you decide on, a good marketing strategy is vital to make sure you're getting the best value and results for your budget. If you don't have a background in marketing, or don't have the time to run your own campaign, a digital marketing agency can take care of it for you.
For more guides like this to help your small business get started and succeed online, sign up below to receive the Limecube newsletter with the latest digital marketing news and tips in your inbox.
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